Robert André lives in Paris. He has resided in France for the past 15 years. After studying literature in his hometown at the University of San Diego, California, he attended the University of Leuven in Belgium. A scholar in the Edmund Husserl Archives, he was awarded a degree in Philosophy. Mr. André then returned to the United States where he worked in the field of psychology for the State of California. He later decided to return to Europe and settle in France where he has focused his work in the arts.
In France, he studied acting and directing under Ludwik Flaszen who was co-founder, along with Jerzy Grotowski, of the Laboratory Theatre in Poland. Mr. André went on to study film and video with Philippe Ros and Jacques Pigeon. This led to his work as free-lance cameraman on a number of independent films. He has directed his own short films including Waltzing, filmed in wartime Bosnia and Herzegovina in collaboration with the Theatre of Tulza; and the documentary film Forbach Opus II, a lyrical ballad contrasting a festival of new music along the French-German border with the closing of coal mines in the region and the effect this had on the people of these communities. Mr. André’s documentary and fiction screenplays; include: L’Apero; Kiss Me I’m Serb; and You Are Here.
India has been his focus for the past four years. Robert André has worked on several film and video projects in Pondicherry and Bangalore as well as in the State of Orissa. In India, his work has been as a screenplay writer, director and cinematographer. School Without Walls is Robert André’s most recent documentary film project. It was produced by Mosaïque Films in Paris. The filming took place in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India.
To contact Robert André
02 septembre 2006
Les Secrets d'une école indienne (film documentaire/documentary film) reviewed in Télérama
The feature-length documentary, School Without Walls, had multiple screenings throughout India in 2005. This same version premiered in France through the festival circuit in 2005-2006. A shortened version, entitled "Les Secrets d'une école indienne", aired in France on the cable channel Planete throughout this month.
The review in Télérama is available in the links to the right.
3 commentaires:
I hope this version of the film gets a lot of attention. I have seen School Without Walls and was very impressed. Maybe the viewers in France someday will be able to see the full version on television.
A beautiful and intelligent film!
J'ai eu la chance d'assister à la projection de la version longue"scool without walls" en Inde à Auroville près de Pondichery. Le film nous a tous passionnés tant par ce que nous avons pu apprendre sur cette méthode éducative que par les images, les enfants, et la vie quotidienne de ces villageois. De cette projection s'est suivi un débat très animé entre le réalisateur et nous même les spéctateurs. Parmi nous il y avait des professseurs de différentes nationalités, d'Afrique de Sud, d'Europe, d'Inde... et il s'avère que cette méthode interesse les professeurs de bien nombre de pays. Cette méthode mérite d'être connue même en France comme le soulignait le réalisateur ou parfois l'enseignement a du mal à s'épanouir...Le film est beau, les images vous saisissent, on suit les enfants dans leur foyer, dans leur vie, on court avec eux sur les chemins, à l'école. La musique nous rappelle que nous sommes dans un monde d'enfants, même si parfois la vie peut être rude,se sont des enfants. Le réalisateur, Robert André, nous a offert un beau cadeau,...merci..
J'espère que ce film sera présent dans les salles françaises.
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